Just like the previous two achievements, you will have to prepare first.To get this achievement, you will need to do the following. The Alone achievement is directly tied to an ending.Tell the cop about the watch, and then allow the loop to play out.When he comes, allow your wife to speak to the cop.Now, get the pocket watch and wait for the cop to arrive.Once you do so, phone up Bumblebee and claim your wife’s innocence.You will tell your wife that you are ready to confess. While doing so, you will have to confess to having killed her dad. Now you will have to speak to your wife about her past.Just like in the Groundhog achievement, you will first have to prepare.Tell her you love her, after which you should take her to bed.Open the gift on the table and choose only the positive responses.Once she does so, sit with her at the table. Get back to your wife and tell her how you feel it is a good time to have some dessert.Once you are in the bathroom, phone up Bumblebee and tell her what her father is doing.Take the phone from the closet and head into the bathroom.Then, meet your wife and do not rush into the greeting dialogue.To do so, you will have to do the following things. You will have to play through different loops in Twelve Minutes to get the information needed to complete this achievement. Groundhog – Achievement in Twelve Minutes Tell the cop about your innocence and your willingness to co-operate with him.
#12 minutes mindfulness achievement zip#

Phase 2: The woman moves away from the man.While this might sound simple enough, you will need to do it during three phases. Once you've done it, you'll have to start the whole game over.You will have to inspect the painting placed in your bedroom to complete this achievement. Unfortunately, there's no going back with this ending. This will all play out on its own, leading to the credits. Just let him talk to you during this scene and don’t hit anything else. He’ll be shocked you’ve read the book, but will tell you that he knows of a way to help you forget about everything. When the interaction between you and the father unfolds, you can click on the book (which is on the shelf behind you) to repeat the passage to him rather than hitting the other dialogue options. In order for this ending to play out, though, you’ll have to have interacted with the meditation book your wife reads a couple of times, up until you get a specific quote from her. This will lead to another cutscene between you and the father. Grab the watch from the vent there and drag the big hand back up to two minutes before 12, then just stare at it. Do the same if you’re back in the loop post-cutscene. Make your way to the locked apartment and use the key from your inventory to unlock it. By hitting ‘Continue’ from the main menu, you’ll be led into a hallway with no other doors but your own up ahead.