Either (a) the Nightjar couldn’t take, because it had already activated in order to attempt to reroll the feeder the first time, or (b) the Nightjar could take, because its power didn’t full resolve the first time.

We were wondering if the player with the Nightjar could take one of the worms by activating its pink power, and the table was basically split on whether or not they could. After that, the next player took food, and the feeder ended up with worms remaining at the end of their turn. After the reroll, there were no worms, so the Nightjar didn’t gain food. After that player finished going through their forest brown powers, the player with the Nightjar rerolled the feeder to attempt to gain a worm, because there was only 1 die remaining in the feeder and it was not a worm. One of the players had an Australian Owlet-Nightjar, and another player took the Gain Food action. So I ran into a bit of an interesting situation while playing a game recently.

For media requests (interviews), please contact Jamey at or Elizabeth (the game designer) at Review copy requests should follow our standard procedures. Typeface Cardenio Modern designed by Nils Cordes,. Photos courtesy of Kim Euker and Tim Chuon. This content is not authorized for posting on Steam. To propose a bird for a future expansion or promo pack, please fill out this form.Ĭopyright 2019 Stonemaier LLC. Wingspan is a trademark of Stonemaier LLC. Beth Sobel also contributed art for the player mats and the birdfeeder dice tower. Natalia’s website is found here, and Ana’s is here–they’ve illustrated all birds in Wingspan.